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  • Writer's pictureChad Dull

Andrea's Story

The end of the fall term brings success stories, the fuel that keeps educators going. In the last two weeks, it has been a joy to see students meeting their goals by passing a class in their program, earning a High School credential, combining that credential with the poverty informed magic of Credit for Prior Learning, or any other goal they have put in front of themselves. Our approach to poverty informed practice believes we should acknowledge and celebrate success at ever opportunity. We know we need to build the self-efficacy of people who have received a different message about their worth for most of their life. Which brings us to Andrea... I've watched Andrea move her way through our classes for the last two years, although I found out she actually started earlier with us while incarcerated. It's been fun to watch her carry herself differently as she worked with her teachers to rediscover her dreams and find her place in the world. Poverty Informed practice is about knocking down barriers and creating a sense of belonging for students. Our students teach us everything and this week, Andrea was kind enough to sit with me and share some of her story. It's about 8 minutes long and she is amazing, I hope you will watch.

"No matter what, you have a chance." That's what Andrea said near the end of her visit with me. How remarkable is her optimism? Aren't we obligated to support her determination? Andrea was homeless and a recovering addict when she found Western. Our version of poverty informed means she signaled she was ready by the courage to walk in the door. She was fortunate to connect with great instructors and our exceptionally poverty informed Project PROVEN (More about PROVEN), but we were just as fortunate to be allowed to be in her life. One of our guiding principles is when we figure out how to successfully help students with the greatest barriers, we figure out how to help just about everyone. Andrea's success is teaching us about success for so many. Her message to other women is powerful, and I can't wait to see what her future becomes. Thank you Andrea, for letting us be part of your journey.

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